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Image of a laptop with a yellow block of text overlayed saying Search Engine Optimization for an article about how to optimize website landing ages for lead generation.

Lead Generation: How to Optimize Website Landing Pages

In the virtual shopping arena, your business’s website has a lot of responsibilities. Your storefront has to not only tell customers all about your company and products and why they should purchase from you (and sell your wares), but the catch is that you only have a few seconds to pull them in and keep them interested. This is known as lead generation.

Don’t risk losing potential clients just because your website optimization isn’t on point. Or, maybe your mobile site speed isn’t what it should be. Putting in the work on your site to employ can’t-miss digital content can mean the difference between losing or gaining customers, all in a matter of seconds. Discover how to enhance your SEO as part of your marketing plan and why it may make a vast difference in your numbers.

What Is Lead Generation?

You have likely already come across this term but may not know the nuts and bolts of lead generation and how it can affect your website’s rankings when it comes to digital marketing. Simply put, lead generation means capturing a customer’s interest with the intent to complete a purchase.

In essence, a few contributing factors will impact lead generation in digital marketing.

  • Mobile site speed – If your website optimization isn’t up to snuff, customers may find slow loading speeds to hinder when browsing.
  • Interesting graphics and design – Boring site? Goodbye, customers! Keep prospective buyers engaged with exciting videos, eye-catching graphics and designs, and a storefront that’s not overly busy – keep it clear, creative, and compelling.
  • Ease of use – Don’t you hate all those pop-ups when you land on a site? Enhance your SEO by bypassing cluttered pages and downsizing pop-ups for a clean, streamlined, user-friendly website.

How to Increase Your SEO Ranking

Enhancing your digital content is one of the best ways to increase your SEO ranking on Google. However, there are other surefire solutions to perk up lead generation possibilities. Some of these include: updating your website frequently, improving mobile site speed (or better yet, creating your mobile app!), using backlinks, optimizing images, using relevant keywords, and installing social media “share” links, among others.

You don’t have to overhaul your website completely, but a full check-up can enhance your SEO quickly.

Activities like fixing broken links, using awesome, clear meta descriptions, and creating engaging imagery/headers/videos/blogs (and other content, such as infographics) are simple ways to promote lead generation and energize a sleepy site.

Why Mobile Site Speed Matters

So, why does mobile site speed matter, and how is it crucial for lead generation, customer retention, your company’s overall health, and your bottom dollar? Simple. Nobody wants to use a website with turtle-slow loading times. Let’s face the sad facts. Today, we live in a world of instant gratification. People don’t have the time or patience to wait for your 1990s internet speeds to load your site.Image of a laptop with a yellow block of text overlayed saying Search Engine Optimization for an article about how to optimize website landing ages for lead generation.

One of the biggest favors you can do for your business is to ensure your site loads pages like lightning because most customers will click away from a site that won’t load in less than five seconds. That’s not much time, so you have to keep them there by making sure your website is on fire.

Did you know that your Google ranking will go down if your pages are slow to load? Google knows all, and you don’t want to suffer setbacks due to slow load times. It can also hurt you when users click onto your site then rapidly click away! Keep them there, browsing, looking, and ultimately buying with smooth, speedy, and seamless loading times! Make digital marketing work for you by creating a better user experience.

Optimizing your site for mobile devices is one of the easiest and first things you can do to keep customers coming. Capture them before they click!

Contact MDINC today to discuss your website landing pages and how best to optimize them.

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