LinkedIn Content Strategy Tips and Tricks
LinkedIn has come a long way since 2020 and even further since 2010. The inclusion of ads and promoted content can often overshadow original LinkedIn content and might even make you feel like “What’s the point in posting at all?”. Well, thought leaders, job-seekers, and professionals that take pride in their craft can benefit from a thoughtful LinkedIn content strategy. Read on for a few tips and tricks to help you dip your toe in, or help you swan-dive off the highboard with audience applause.
Posting Frequency
Reading countless articles and posts throughout algorithmic changes might cause a headache. Articles touting “Do this, don’t do that, must do this” and so on. How frequently should you share LinkedIn content? Ultimately, the right answer is “As often as feels comfortable and sustainable to you.”
If you post ad-hoc (without a content strategy), you can habit bundle and post as you’re having your 8 am coffee or 2 pm snack. You’re likely already on your device, so why not share a note?
For those that create content calendars and pre-create content to share on a timely basis, this will be a heavier lift since the time commitment is longer. Three posts a week equates to 39 in a quarter. How long will it take to create that much original content, how many images or videos will you include, and how many articles will you synthesize and share? A varied combination of content will be easier to complete since it’s less mundane than “straight content-only posts.” Also, the more varied your content shares, the better you’ll understand what resonates with your audience — after all, you should track your content to see how well it does so you can continue on the successful path.
Quality of LinkedIn Content
You know the old adage of “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” We’d like to change it to “If you have something to share, share it with meaning.”
People who re-share the content of others without context are throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. It’s eating a piece of salad after a burger and expecting a 6-pack. Make sure your level of effort matches the return you’d like to receive. If you don’t see the increase in engagement, fine — but you still have a data point on what wins and what doesn’t with the maximum amount of effort you can push.
Two to three thoughtful posts is worth more than posting five thoughtless pieces. Your reputation and value will rise and fall with the quality of service you provide as well as the quality of LinkedIn content you share.
Engagement Time
What is the right amount of engagement time for LinkedIn? The answer isn’t in minutes, rather, it’s in the quality of time (a constant theme with digital marketing). Engage with your connections, potential connections, and others that pass through your feed. This lets others know you’re equally invested in their subject matter and it lets LinkedIn know you’re actively invested in the platform (plus, you’ll see ads it’s paid for).
We recommend spending a minimum of 10 minutes before you post and another 10 minutes after you post — at a minimum. LinkedIn content is as good as the readership and engagement, so the more value you add the more value you receive. Some sites suggest the first 60 minutes after you post are the most important to your ranking.
Looking for a coach to help you jumpstart your LinkedIn content strategy? Contact MDINC today to set up a time to chat.